Thursday, May 15, 2008

Abba Eban was right

Abba Eban once said that the Arabs "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity". Yesterday they proved how correct he was.
With the American president here to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel, Hamas held their own rally in Gaza to mark the same event - only they call it the "naqba" (the tragedy). At this event a senior Hamas spokesman stated that Hamas would NEVER recognise Israel - a wonderful start to any negotiations. Then, as if to prove his point, a few hours later a rocket came over from Hamas-controlled Gaza and landed in Ashkelon, right in the middle of a clinic during surgery hours. Over 70 people were injured, including a mother and baby who were seriously wounded.
If it was up to me, I would give the civilian population 24 hours to get out of Gaza (to Egypt) and then I would systematically start to reduce the entire Gaza strip to rubble.